Posts Tagged ‘brand’
What is Rebranding Really?
Rebranding is Not Just a New Logo Most people think of a new logo or maybe some new colors when they think of a rebrand, but that’s just a refresh of the brand you’ve already got. A rebrand restructures your entire branding story from the bottom to the top. It includes the why of your…
Read MoreThe Magician Archetype: TRANSFORM Your Dreams
What Does it Mean to Be a Magician Brand? The Magician transforms lives! The Magician Archetype is all about transformation and making dreams come true. It’s a tall order to fill, but successful Magician brands deliver experiences and products that no one else can. They see things other people can’t and bring them to life. The…
Read MoreThe Guru Archetype: The Truth Will Set You Free!
The Guru Archetype is wise, intellectual, and good with facts and figures. This brand helps its customers make smarter decisions. We all need a Guru in our life. We trust them because they have the knowledge, experience, and education to back up their claims. Can they be a bit boring? Maybe. Are they the smartest…
Read MoreThe Artist Archetype: Inspire Creativity in Others
The Artist Archetype is, you guessed it – Creative and inspiring. It makes people feel inspired and unique. They envision. They create. They are always improving their talents. Everything they do is creative! They have panache … they have flair! As an Artist Brand (or Creator, as it is sometimes called), your company is driven…
Read MoreThe Jester Archetype: Bring Laughter to the World
The Jester Archetype is, you guessed it – funny! The Jester uses a well-developed sense of humor, is light-hearted, mischievous at times, and often outlandish. Some Jesters find that bold, brash, and unexpected behavior work well as an alternative to humor. They are clowns, the life of the party, and never dull. The Jester is the only one who can…
Read MoreThe Ruler Archetype: WE’VE GOT THE POWER!
The Ruler Archetype has a lot of power – and they know it. They are the best in their class and you can agree with them – or not. Either way, they don’t really care. They know they are number one and they don’t need outside validation. Sound pretentious? It is – but when this…
Read MoreThe Explorer Archetype: Seek new vistas – you are worth it.
Be ambitious and true to your soul. Seek new vistas … you are worth it. The EXPLORER brand is for businesses that provide products, services, and experiences to their customers because their customers deserve them. People will be willing to pay a little more for your product or service because it makes them feel special and…
Read MoreThe Innocent Archetype: Seek Simplicity
A simple and chaos-free experience is what we are after here. No drama queens allowed! The big idea for the Innocent Archetype is: Life doesn’t have to be so complicated. Seek simplicity and be chaos-free. Breath in. Breath out. Quiet your mind. Relax your shoulders. Ahhhhhh, doesn’t that feel heavenly? The feelings you invoke as…
Read MoreThe Hero Archetype: Save the day!
Not all heroes wear capes – but if you pick this archetype you certainly could – and make quite a statement. The main idea with the Hero Archetype is saving the day! The dominant feelings you invoke are inspiration and confidence. Your company is compelling and fearless but you also help your customers and clients…
Read MoreBranding: What is it and how to do it right!
What comes to mind when you think of “branding?” Is it a red hot poker sizzling into the side of a cow? No? Just me then… Branding consists of all the things that contribute to how you FEEL when you think about or interact with a brand. If a product or service does not invoke…
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