Client Information We are very excited to work with you. So excited in fact that we already have something for you to do. Please fill out this form and let's get starting with some KILLER marketing! Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Business Name (required) URLS for Social Media Accounts When did you start your business? What are your core products and services? What is your brand position or designated Archetype for branding? What are the most important aspects of your business you want to focus on? Do you have any annual events or special things that happen every year? Are there seasonal things your business focuses on at different times of the year? Who are your key competitors? What do you do better than your competition? Who are your ideal clients? What are you currently doing for marketing and advertising? Are you collaborating with any partners or businesses for additional types of marketing? TV, Radio, Digital, etc Do you have any key referral partners or other businesses you collaborate with regularly (not marketing) What Calls to Action (CTA) do you typically want readers and clients to take? Call, book, email, etc? Are there any topics that are off-limits to talk about in your marketing? Is there anything else you would like us to know?