Posts Tagged ‘Video’
Announcing the First Annual MI Mob Summit!
The MI Mob Summit: Michigan Marketing Outstanding Businesses If you think a marketing summit might be a bore, get ready for some shock and awe. We’ve got something coming that’s the cat’s meow, dames and gents. Welcome to the first annual MI Mob Summit. We’re the mob ya’ hear, the Zeedia Media Mob. Our mobsters…
Read MoreWhy is Video the Cheat Code for Business?
Because it’s everywhere. The world is online and so are your customers. Video for business should be a key element in your social media marketing plan. If running a business is like playing a video game, then having videos you can share is that really awesome punch/kick combo that took three weeks to perfect. It’s…
Read MoreMarketing During the Coronavirus
How is your business’s marketing during the coronavirus? First, I want to say that I am so heartbroken for all the businesses that have to limit their hours (or shut down). For all the cancelled events, missed opportunities, and your inability to see your loved ones. It it is so nice to see how communities…
Read MoreAble Eyes: Video PLUS an Experience You Can Control
Able Eyes is a mid-Michigan company doing amazing things with video for people who are on the spectrum and those who have sensory sensitivity. It also helps people with social anxiety and those of us who just want to check out a place before visiting. If you are thinking about adding video to your marketing,…
Read MoreTell Your Business Story Through a Short Video with UnoCards
What the HECK are UnoCards? Not the card game–the videos! Video marketing is really hot right now! Have you incorporated some sort of video element into your marketing strategy yet? I know. It can be scary. Many of us don’t like to see or hear ourselves on video. You need to get over it. Seriously.…
Read MoreFacebook Live: Why Your Business Must Go Live
Why Your Business Should Be Using Facebook Live! Facebook Live is a way for individuals, public figures, business pages, etc. to share a live video with all of their followers and friends. It is for members to connect with their audience in real time. With the ability for followers to receive notifications when your Live…
Read MoreWhy Did These Companies Have The Top YouTube Ads Of 2017?
Why Youtube Ads? YouTube advertisements are popular in marketing because they have an enormous audience. YouTube has over 1 billion users, they claim as “almost one-third of the internet.” About one billion hours of video are watched every day on YouTube. They even reach “more 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the US.” Think…
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