Quick and Dirty: Reusing Content the Easy Way

reusing content: shows a small metal wind up toy car.

Reusing content isn’t breaking the rules. You make the rules! You know you need to create more social media. You’ve seen customers respond, and you’ve gotten some real interactions and sales. Rockin! But Instagram is starting to eat your life and you’re dreaming in Facebook. What do you do to make this social media thing…

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Stealing Your Own Testimonials for Marketing

Testimonials for marketing showing a woman talking on an old fashioned rotary phone.

Does it feel weird to toot your own horn? Or are you ok with shouting to the whole bar about your latest acomplishment and then buying a round for everyone? Either way – testimonials can be a powerful marketing tool. They are social proof that your services are valuable to your clients. You know you…

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Words We Are Reading: Book Reviews

book reviews

Welcome to the Zeedia Media Mob’s Book reviews blog. We will update this regularly with our thoughts on the words we are currently reading. Since we love ALL THE WORDS, these reviews span many genres. We are always looking for great book suggestions so please leave them in the comments! Thank you and happy reading!…

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Blogging 101: Engage Your Target Market

Blogging 101, an image of a mid century style typewriter from above, teal in color with a white background.

Businesses: get ready for Blogging 101. You know that blogging is a thing and it’s really important, right? It gets you heard out there in the wilderness of the internet and is one of the key pieces to getting good SEO. But what does that mean, and how do you do it well? Blogging is…

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Why is Video the Cheat Code for Business?

Video for Business showing a camera and lighting with a backdrop of bookshelves.

Because it’s everywhere. The world is online and so are your customers. Video for business should be a key element in your social media marketing plan. If running a business is like playing a video game, then having videos you can share is that really awesome punch/kick combo that took three weeks to perfect. It’s…

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5 Types of Content To Create (Besides Blogs)

types of content

When someone tells you that you need to create more content for your website you might groan, wondering how on Earth you’re going to create even more blogs. But, content isn’t just about blogs. Hand Slap Moment: In fact, you should be posting content other than blogs. Not everyone wants to sit and read and…

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Using the Hero’s Journey to Create Content

Hero's Journey

Did you know that your content, no matter what type of content it is, should be telling a story?  Our brains are hardwired for narrative so it only makes sense that stories would help you better connect with your audience.  There’s so much data to back this up that we can’t even begin to cover…

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The Life of a Content Creator: Working as a Freelance Writer

freelance writer

by Heather Benton, content creator and freelance writer Remember when the idea of working from home as a freelance writer with a flexible schedule seemed like a far-fetched but idyllic dream? The world for writers has already changed so much between the time I stepped out of my college dorm and into the full-time workforce…

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How Often Should I Blog?

How Often Should I Blog?

As a content creator, I get asked this question all the time. Mostly because I am usually touting the virtues and necessity of blogging for EVERY business. I talk about this so much that I am sure some of my friend are sick of hearing it. It’s ok, I still stand by my passions. See:…

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Why Blogging is Still Important and Necessary


I have been hearing, and reading, and watching, people kicking around the idea of blogging being an outdated mode of marketing. Some people aren’t just wondering, they are touting it as gospel. Unless Jesus said it, it’s not! I am not just saying this because I am an avid content developer and earn money doing…

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