Why Blogging is Still Important and Necessary
I have been hearing, and reading, and watching, people kicking around the idea of blogging being an outdated mode of marketing. Some people aren’t just wondering, they are touting it as gospel. Unless Jesus said it, it’s not!
I am not just saying this because I am an avid content developer and earn money doing it. I want to explain why blogging is still very important. My tagline is “Because Words Matter” and they really do, whether they are written or spoken. Words will always matter. Let’s look at a few reasons why.
Side Note: If it helps to use the phrase “online article” or “organic content” or something else instead of “blogging”–we can do that. But what it comes down to is adding content to your website. How could that ever not be important?
The Big Idea Reasons Why Blogging Still Matters
When the term blogging first originated it referred to someone’s online diary, musing, thoughts, etc. It wasn’t until later that it started to mean a section of a website dedicated to articles about a particular topic, category, or industry. The latter is what we are discussing here.
#1. Adding content to your website increases your SEO.
If you have been involved in the creation of a website you understand the amount of time it takes to write and edit the content. Not to mention designing the whole thing–but that is a topic for another blog.
Once you approve the content for the pages (such as the About page, Services, Contact, Our Team, etc.) you exhale a big sigh of relief and push the button that makes your site go live. You tell some people about it. You add the URL to your marketing. And then hope and pray people come see all that you have accomplished.

By the way, we call those pages you agonized over “static pages.” Why? Because they don’t really change much after they are published.
Unless your site is an active shopping cart type of site, you might just start to forget that it’s there amidst the hustle and bustle of running your company. It’s ok. You’re busy. No judgement. But at this point your site isn’t doing any more for you than you business card is. Think about that for just a minute. It’s a way for people to look up how to get a hold of you. That’s it.
Now, if you did your job well and chose lots of key words and phrases that are popular for your industry, than hopefully people will find you when they search for what you do. However, the longer your site sits there with no changes, updates, new images, and words added to it–the less and less people are going to find you.
Your website should be an active part of your marketing.
Hopefully you included several keywords and phrases on your site to help people find you. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means that your site is full of these keywords and that Google will include you in the results when someone is searching for what you do.
Ideally you will appear toward the top of the list and certainly on the first page. You can pay a whole lot of money for this to happen or you can do it organically. Keep reading.
Another note: Do you know all the words and phrases that people use to find what you do or have to offer? For example, if you are a lawyer, do the words lawyer AND attorney appear on your site? They should. You never know which one people will use. Google is really smart and it knows all the nuances of words and phrases that people use. You can literally “ask Google” about your keyword list and Google will give you a more comprehensive list to work with. I create these lists (with the help of some cool Google tools) for my clients all the time.
The takeaway: Blogging is the best way to add more words and content to your site regularly so that you will be found in Google searches for people looking for your services. A site that never changes will eventually be ignored by Google, and everyone else.
Related: How often should I blog?
#2. You are an industry expert.
People should know it. You know more about what you do and what your business offers than anyone else. You have really good information to share with the world that will help them. Take this blog for instance–hopefully you will learn something you didn’t know before. You’re welcome–but we must move on.
Blogging regularly about what you know, you business, industry trends, tips, tricks, etc. not only informs your readers, but positions you as an expert in your field. It gives you credibility and the ability to solidify your brand with the tone, emotions and words you choose. You are one smart cooking and people should know about it!

However, you have to do more than just tell people you know what you’re talking about it–you need to show them. Blogs help you do that. Plus, no one likes to feel like they are being sold to all the time. If you provide your audience with helpful information that informs, educates, and entertains, than they are way more likely to stay engaged.
The takeaway: If you write about what you know other people can know it too and will look to you as an expert.
#3. Blogging provides content for social media.
Ah, social media. We love it. We hate it. We are overwhelmed by it. But there is no denying it. As business owners and professionals we know we need to engage it in somehow. One of the main purposes of social media for businesses is to drive people to your website.
Yet, another note: Your website is the only thing you truly own online. You do not own your Facebook account, Twitter account, LinkedIn profile, Instagram, etc. NONE OF IT! I’m very sorry if this comes as a shock to you.
Facebook could close up shop tomorrow. Instagram could snap its last image. Tweets could fly out the window. But your URL and website–you own that and ALL THE CONTENT IN IT!
Blogging and social media work hand in hand. It takes some time to create a good blog post. You have to think about the topic, possibly research it, write it, edit it, add images, tag it, and publish it. That could take a few hours depending on the length. But once it is done it can provide you with months of social media content. What does this look like?

Now, if you schedule all these posts out on various platforms for several weeks, and you do this at least once a week, you have all kinds of crazy amazing content flooding social media and pointing everyone back to your website. Once they are they to read the full article you can hit them up with strong calls to action to engage your services in one way or another.
The takeaway (you knew it was coming): Once the hard part is done (writing the blog), creating the social posts to go with it is a breeze. And you can re-purpose content all the time:
- Create a short promo video
- Make a cool infographic
- Talk about it on Facebook Live
- Turn several blogs into a downloadable white paper
The possibilities are endless from just one blog post.
#4. Address the long tail words.
Remember when I mentioned key words and phrases? Every industry and company uses a handful of really important words that describe what they do. You know what those words are off the top of your head. For example, for Zeedia Media we use: content, blog, blogging, social media, brand, marketing…you get the idea. But there is a lot missing from that list.
In order to make sure you are using ALL THE WORDS that people might use to search for what you do, you need the help of Google. Luckily, Google is happy to serve those up to you in a nice downloadable spreadsheet if you ask nicely. Zeedia Media can help with this too, if you ask nicely.
The words and phrases that are used less often (but ARE used) are called the “long tail words.” This name is derived from the way the graph looks if you place these words in a visual format with the most used phrases on the left. Like here:

Why is it important to include the long tail words? Well, the biggest reason is that you never know how someone is going to search for you.
For example, if you are plumber someone could search:
Plumber in Scranton, PA (pretty straight forward and all of your competitors will come up as well).
Or they could search “I need a plumber to plumb by new wet bar”
If you had a blog post on your site about plumping wet bars, you will appear closer to the top of the search list. Your competition might not even come up (wouldn’t that be great?)
Do you see where we are going with this? Everyone in your industry is going to be using the same handful of words and you are too. However, you are also chasing those long tail words. This way, you will be served up more often. Make sense?
I would also like to remind you that this is the “organic” (or non-paid way) to ramp up your SEO and move further up the search listings. This is how you do it without paying Google to be your friend. It lasts longer and is immune to Google’s constantly changing algorithm whims. Paid ads are not immune to this.
The takeaway: Hustle on over to your website and get yourself some long tail.
The Wrap Up
I hope you are now convinced that blogging is a very important and necessary part of your marketing strategy. It is crucial to add fresh, new content to your website–for so many reasons:
- Keeping up with SEO and long tail words
- Keeping your site active
- Positioning yourself as an industry expert
- Creating content for social media
- Re-purposing content for more things
Blogging takes time. Many business owners outsource it or seek out help with ideas, editing, etc. We can help. We are brand experts so we write your content for you in a way that supports and promotes your brand strategy and emotional connection. We can also teach you how to do this too!
How often do you blog?
How often would you like to be blogging?
Can we help you fill the gap?
No matter what, keep on providing the world with your expertise and value. We need you!
About Zeedia Media: We create killer content for all sorts of things. We know all the words, “because words matter!” Contact Zeedia Media for content, branding, and social media management. We can also help you with your online reputation if you aren’t happy about what people are saying about you. Let’s exchange some words–the good kind!