Posts Tagged ‘community’
Episode 67 – Nature’s 92 – Deardra Westfall
Today’s Guest: Deardra Westfall, Founder of Nature’s 92. Deardra is a mid-Michigan native and also the owner of a wild-crafted Sea Moss Company called Nature’s 92. Deardra’s products are so mineral-sufficient, that it corrects mineral shortages as well as inflammation, which is the source of all disease and its reaction. Tune in as Deardra takes us…
Read MoreEpisode 63 – Hearts Desire CPR Training – Eboni Morell
Today’s Guest: Eboni Morrell, Owner of Hearts Desire C.P.R Training Eboni’s goal is to ensure that each individual is confident in their ability to perform high-quality CPR and knows how to respond to medical emergencies without delay. I cater to medical professionals, daycare providers, businesses & anyone interested in learning these lifesaving skills. Eboni provides…
Read MoreEpisode 62 – Royal Scot – The Perfect Place to Play
Today’s Guest: Joanie Kilcherman & Amy Densteadt, with Royal Scot Golf and Bowl. As the event director of Royal Scot, Joanie does it all! Amy is part of the Royal Scot family and volunteers a lot of her time to make sure the business is the best it can be. Their goal is to make…
Read MoreEpisode 60 – Life Coach – Melanie McNamara
Today’s Guest: Melanie McNamara, a certified life and weight coach with Melanie McNamara Coaching. Melanie focuses on helping women create an emotional life that helps them reach the next level of freedom they crave. Listen as Melanie shares why and how she started finding answers on how she could create a life she fell in…
Read MoreEpisode 59 – Bohnet Electric Company – Stephen Bohnet
Today’s Guest: Stephen Bohnet, President of Bohnet Electric Company and wearer of many hats! FAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 110 YEARS… Bohnet Electric Company is a Retail Lighting store and more! They specialize in Contemporary, Traditional, Transitional and Vintage Lighting, Vintage and new Crystal Chandeliers, and Custom Lighting. Stephen shares the value of culture and…
Read MoreEpisode 58 – David Chapman Agency – Chaz Carillo
Today’s Guest: Chaz Carrillo- Commercial Agent for the David Chapman Agency who focuses on smart business owners and non-profits. Chaz is also relaunching the Hispanic Chamber as the President along with Elizabeth Hernandez, Vice President. He is also the facilitator for the Lansing Cearusnet Green Team, a local networking group designed around building relationships. Chaz…
Read MoreEpisode 57 – Mother & Earth Boutique – Lynn Ross
Today’s Guest: Lynn Ross, Boss Momma, President and Owner of Mother & Earth Baby Boutique and Toy Shoppe in Old Town. From the beginning, the mission of Mother & Earth was to provide natural, sustainable and practical products for growing families. Though their product lines have expanded, they still pride themselves on choosing products and…
Read MoreEpisode 54 – Eleven 11 Events – Phebeit Ingram
Today’s Guest: Phebeit Ingram, Co-owner, and Senior Designer for Eleven 11 Events Phebeit (which means bright and shining light) is a firm believer that people need to be celebrated. She is so passionate about creating upscale spaces for them to do just that. One of Eleven 11 Event’s taglines is they bring the WOW and…
Read MoreEpisode 43 – DS Employment Services – Daniel Shinaver
Today’s Guest: Daniel Shinaver, an employment developer, Owner, and Founder at DS Employment Services, LLC Daniel helps employers find perfect high-tier candidates. He focuses specifically on administrative and management-level candidates. His passion is really for teaching, developing, and showing people the tips and tricks, they can use to get to the next level. Daniel is a…
Read MoreGangs, Mobs, and Squads: Promoting Community
Promoting your community is not only good for your soul, it’s good business! Community is the backbone of any small business, and getting involved with your community is a wonderful way to build word-of-mouth advertising into your marketing campaign strategy. Even mobsters know that building a positive reputation with your local community is a crucial…
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