Episode 58 – David Chapman Agency – Chaz Carillo

Chaz Carillo

Today’s Guest: Chaz Carrillo- Commercial Agent for the David Chapman Agency who focuses on smart business owners and non-profits.

Chaz is also relaunching the Hispanic Chamber as the President along with Elizabeth Hernandez, Vice President. 

He is also the facilitator for the Lansing Cearusnet Green Team, a local networking group designed around building relationships. 

Chaz discusses his views on community, systems, relationships, the importance of educating others on a topic (insurance) that they may not understand, and being a dad and helping his daughters with confidence. 

Chaz Carillo

What is Chaz reading? 

Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller

Chaz’s Advice for Entrepreneurs 

Don’t go it alone and find the experts to hire to do things for you. 

How to contact Chaz Carrillo

Phone:  (517) 230-9214




Email:  ccarrillo@davidchapmanagency.com

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