The Innocent Archetype: Seek Simplicity

Innocent Archetype: showing a small boy wearing old aviator goggles and holding a toy plane.

A simple and chaos-free experience is what we are after here. No drama queens allowed! The big idea for the Innocent Archetype is: Life doesn’t have to be so complicated. Seek simplicity and be chaos-free. Breath in. Breath out. Quiet your mind. Relax your shoulders. Ahhhhhh, doesn’t that feel heavenly? The feelings you invoke as…

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Stealing Your Own Testimonials for Marketing

Testimonials for marketing showing a woman talking on an old fashioned rotary phone.

Does it feel weird to toot your own horn? Or are you ok with shouting to the whole bar about your latest acomplishment and then buying a round for everyone? Either way – testimonials can be a powerful marketing tool. They are social proof that your services are valuable to your clients. You know you…

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