Using the Hero’s Journey to Create Content

Hero's Journey

Did you know that your content, no matter what type of content it is, should be telling a story?  Our brains are hardwired for narrative so it only makes sense that stories would help you better connect with your audience.  There’s so much data to back this up that we can’t even begin to cover…

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Marketing During the Coronavirus

Marketing During the Coronavirus

How is your business’s marketing during the coronavirus? First, I want to say that I am so heartbroken for all the businesses that have to limit their hours (or shut down). For all the cancelled events, missed opportunities, and your inability to see your loved ones. It it is so nice to see how communities…

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Tips for Saying NO and Being More Intentional (From the Experts)

saying no

If “Busy” is a four-letter word then “No” is a magical, two-letter word that more of us need to work into our vocabularies. While I recently taught you to use the word “busy” sparingly, today I want to teach you to start using the word “no” more often….well, I actually want to invite others to…

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Able Eyes: Video PLUS an Experience You Can Control

Abel eyes

Able Eyes is a mid-Michigan company doing amazing things with video for people who are on the spectrum and those who have sensory sensitivity. It also helps people with social anxiety and those of us who just want to check out a place before visiting. If you are thinking about adding video to your marketing,…

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