Episode 29 – Energy Healing – Louis Soma

Louis SomaToday’s Guest: Louis Soma, owner of Energy Harmony, and adult dance instructor. 

In his search for a better solution than Western Medicine for his health issues, he discovered “it”.  He was looking for a different approach to take.  Louis and his business partner Rick, have incorporated energy healing into their dancing training and martial arts and turned it into a business.

Louis shares his insights on energy and vibrations and gives examples of where he has witnessed the impact of clearing energy and creating harmony in your space.


Louis Soma

Louis encourages others to  Go be you!  Be yourself and who you really are!

What is Louis listening to? 

Louis is listening to Lester Levenson, (The Sedona Method) or Abraham Hicks and Teal Swan.  

 Louis’s Advice:

“Learn to trust the intuition you have and ACT on it.”

 How to Contact Louis Soma

Email: louis@energyharmony.com

Website:  https://energyharmony.com/

Phone:  517-204-3864

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