Episode 27 – Experience Matters – Brian Songer

Today’s Guest: Brian Songer, Knapper, Man about Town, Farm Bureau Agent, and co-owner of the Barry Songer Agency.

Brian is a master networker who really enjoys philanthropic efforts and the ability to meet new people.  

Brian and his partner Tim believe in Farm Bureaus tag line, Experience matters.  Combining that with his passion and desire to do what’s best for others has contributed to his success.  

Listen as Brian shares his take on becoming an insurance agent and his philosophy of, “If I fail or if I succeed, the only one I look at is the person in the mirror.”

He provides a tip for consumers on replacement coverage or the proper coverage for your home along with empty nesting and parenting.

brian songer

What is Brian reading?

Brian is an avid learner.  Continuing education is a must in his industry.  He takes the courses to learn to better serve others. 

 Brian’s Advice: 

Be nice, be diligent and Meet people.  Continue to be visible and helpful and good things happen

 How to Contact Brian Songer

Email: bsonger@fbinsmi.com

(517) 886-2260

Barry Songer Agency Website

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