Episode 18: Heart for Serving – Amy Smith

Amy SmithToday’s Guest: Amy Smith, owner of Dazzle Cleaning Service, a company with a Heart for Serving. 

Amy Smith


Stepping into the role of mother of two children from her husband’s previous marriage, Amy rose above the step-parenting taboo and founded her business so she could work around their schedule. 

With her amazing team, she continues to provide world-class service to her clients.  With her focus on Core values, she is able to select team members that fit it well. Your employees are your number one customer and treating them well is in her DNA.

Free cleaning for cancer patients is one of the ways she gives back to the community that ties into her core values. 

Focusing on customizing services and cleaning supplies is Amy’s way of providing value-added services.  

Amy’s Advice: 

Charge what you are worth and be worth what you charge and don’t think you know it all!  Be open to listening and seeking out advice. 

 How to Contact Amy Smith

Email:  amy@dazzlecleaning.com

Website:  https.//dazzlecleaningservice.com

Telephone: 231-920-9000

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